Where is this blog coming from?

The biggest driving force will always be curiosity, and if you have it, your focus will lead you where you want to be!

I have always been curios to explore, the wild in nature, the depth in music and everything else. Always trying to learn more and grasp knowledge while grow spritually. But that becomes problematic if you try to hop on multiple boats because time is quantifiable.

Have a plan on how you spend your time, than how you spend your money.

Over the years of hopping multiple passions I finally realized that what I love most is around three things mostly.

  • Technology - Starting from burning CD’s to downloading Cracks. Reverse engineering to hacking and then finally settling as a Software Engineer. This road I am always traveling.
  • Travel - You learn from experiences of others. And I met beautiful people while I traveled India and heard all their crazy stories. It made me humble and wise over the years. Exploring nature, feeding these animals, laying down under trees, and this just calms me down.
  • Music -Always loaded with ideas and thinking what little difference I can have to make this world a better place. So from writing blogs to writing poetry. From poetry to writing songs, music has helped me a lot. Can’t give up on this meditation strategy.

The tech behind the blog!

The tech is fairly simple, and is hosted for free on Github. The only thing involved as a cost is the domain name.

It is a static website and all the webpages are static as well. It uses Hugo template to generate HTML webpages for blog posts out of a Readme file written using markdown. Have added some custom JS and CSS for styling stuff. For any new post, I just write a readme.md and check-in it to the master branch.

I utilize github actions as my Continous Integration and Continous Deployment. On check-in to master branch a pipeline action is triggered and generated static webpages are committed/pushed into another branch named gh-pages. This branch is my static hosting from Github Pages to which the nameservers are pointed via GoDaddy.

All this you can checkout on my github repo here.

If you want to say hello or hangout over a cup of coffee, I am all over the social media. 👋

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